SA Premier Basketball

Learn the fundamentals of basketball, including dribbling, passing, and game play through skills, drills and scrimmages against local teams.  Athletes will enjoy being part of a team and the camaraderie it brings, while learning sportsmanship and fair play. The season includes local and state competitions. Wanting to learn the basics? Check out recreational basketball. Learn more about scholarships here.

Division Info

Appropriate for children who walk independently.
Appropriate for children who use an assistive device.
Appropriate for children who use a wheelchair.

SA Premier

Designed for athletes with physical or intellectual disabilities who follow directions in a group settings.  There will be direct guidance from the basketball coach in order to progress their individual basketball skills, but no one-on-one volunteers.

Division Requirements

  • Athlete may have a physical or intellectual disability
  • Successful tryout or recommendation by staff
  • Possess the skill and desire to compete at a higher level
  • Must be able to comprehend and retain rules and skills, and then build upon them from week to week
  • 1:1 support is not provided, so must be able to train, compete, function in a group setting and follow the coach’s directions without volunteer assistance
  • Athletes will train with the goal of participating in competitions in and/or out of San Antonio
Typically offered
Winter Spring
Weekly practices for 5 months
Program Fee
Monthly fee based on season duration, practices, and uniforms

Sport Requirements

  • Must be independent with mobility, meaning the athlete should have fair walking balance and be able to run and athlete must be cleared for minimal contact in scrimmaging
  • Must be able to independently dribble the basketball up and down the court
  • Must be able to make consecutive baskets at a 10ft hoop
  • Must be able to complete drills independently, along with passing accurately to a teammate
  • Must have a simple understanding of the game, including rules and offense/defense

SA Premier Basketball FAQs