
Learn the FUNdamentals of basketball through skills and drills to develop dribbling, passing and shooting ability. The team will incorporate scrimmages after 3-4 weeks of practicing with the goal of skill development. At the end of the season, the team will show off their newly developed skills in a final exhibition and celebrate with a party and awards ceremony. Wanting to take basketball to the next level? Check out SA Premier basketball. Learn more about scholarships here.

Division Info

Appropriate for children who walk independently.
Appropriate for children who use an assistive device.
Appropriate for children who use a wheelchair.


Unlike other divisions, coaches in the Champions division will take sensory breaks between structured tasks as needed by each class. We strive to provide 1:1 volunteer assistance as the athletes improve their basic basketball skills and scrimmage when appropriate.

Division Requirements

  • Must have a disability that limits participation in mainstream sports
  • Requires extra attention due to any behavioral or sensory diagnosis
  • Needs help to follow directions and stay on task during group activity
Typically offered
Winter Summer
6-8 weeks
Program Fee

Sport Requirements

  • Athlete must have fair standing balance
  • Athlete must be cleared for minimal contact


Course will focus on improving basketball skills, increasing knowledge of game rules and scrimmaging.  This class utilizes volunteers to help children progress with direct guidance from the basketball coach.

Division Requirements

  • Must have a disability that limits participation in mainstream sports
  • Must be able to follow directions and stay on task during group activity without assistance
  • May need help completing activities due to physical or intellectual needs
Typically offered
Winter Summer
6-8 weeks
Program Fee

Sport Requirements

  • Child should have fair standing balance
  • Must be cleared for minimal contact